It would be wise to download the original models from the linked sites for any deps you might be missing. You can, of-course, ask in our discord server. Or not.
The guy the site is branded after. Meet Skybound Percy! Why does he have a eyepatch? Because he HATES PIRATES
OG Mesh edit by The Branchline Crew
Whats this? Its Gordon! In a style that looks more like a A3! Thanks to the work of Penny Percy, you can enjoy her custom Gordon with a face!
oh yeah and a reskinned tender
OG Mesh edit by A.W.Dry &
Peep Peep! It's James! In a very different livery than usual! This reskin comes packaged with some custom faces for the lad, so have fun!
OG Mesh edit by Max The Modelling
Well I never! It's Douglas and Donald! Featuring a special Green livery for Donald! He must be lucky then. Just don't tell Marion!
OG edit by The Track Masters
Do you remember Noelle? Probably not. This reskin comes with Steamworks & BR Blue Livery's. PLUS custom faces! Enjoy!
OG Mesh edit by Brendam Bay 3D
This is Bob. Who is known for being Edward's brother. He has a attitude that can be described as "Punk". No wonder they call him dangerous!
OG Mesh edit by Max The Modelling
Do you remember this engine? Its Cousin Stewie! A evil little engine, Stewie caused trouble for Thomas and his friends.
OG Mesh edit by Max The Modelling
Here are Wuan and Dondo. Two engines based upon the never released Weezer concept album: Songs from The Black Hole
OG Mesh edits by Max The Modelling
Well look who it is! It's Abraham and Timothy! Both of them are very old engines, and make a appearance in The Wreck of Timothy!
OG Mesh edits by Max The Modelling
This is Rainbow Dash. I dont really think much about these reskins so i advise you to do the same. This one is styled like the other 06 ones.
OG Mesh edit by A.W.Dry &
Hello Rosie! Just a fun "What if" question. It would be impossible for her to be a equestrian but a little jade and ashley bob can dream.
OG Model by Talleres
Did you know? The Asian vampire moth sometimes drinks the blood of animals. Anyways here's Twilight Sparkle. Comes with alicorn flavoring.
OG Mesh edit by Max The Modelling
Hello Rainbow Dash! She's a fast express engine and um. yeah. Kinda blanking out on this one but making it was a BLAST! Have fun.
OG Model by Lachlan on Rails Of The
This is Fluttershy. What a really useful engine! Im running out of things to say. Uh.. shes yellow! And shy. Did you know that?
OG Model by A.W.Dry &
This is Derpy. Or Muffins.. Or Ditzy Doo... Whatever the name she's a really useful shunter. Just keep the muffins away!
OG Model by Charles on Rails Of The
Chandler is a new face on the railway. As shy as he is brave, Chandler is often not what he seems! He and Twilight can often be seen working together
OG Model by Wildhorn Works
Heinz knows how to shunt trucks, cause trouble. the.
i miss you trainboy54
OG Model by Lachlan on Rails Of The